Thursday, April 3, 2008

A-tisket, a-tasket, a lovely picnic basket (part II)

Our series of springtime picnic ideas continues with a beverage that's sure to refresh even the most enthusiastic frolickers on the warmest afternoon. And so much more stylish than a cooler full of sodas!

Aqua Fresca di Frutta

1 large cantaloupe or 1/2 a watermelon, seeded and diced (about 3 cups)*
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup sugar, plus more to taste
2 to 3 limes, juiced
Pinch salt

Puree cantaloupe or watermelon in a food processor and pour through a fine sieve to eliminate pulp. In a pitcher, mix strained fruit puree with water and add sugar, lime juice, and salt, to taste.

To transport, transfer to an empty plastic jug and keep well-chilled in a cooler.

*You could also use strawberries, pineapple, mango, or any fruit that is soft enough to puree.

Here's to a fun springtime picnic that everyone can enjoy. Cheers!


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